Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Parents' dream?!

My family likes to set me up. They worry, you know how it is. They think actor means unemployed and cute means, well, unemployed. Anyway, this guy's friend's parents (what a title) met me at my father's birthday party and thought I was quite the catch. Their married daughter's friend was the match. He is 45, has a good job, never been married. Hmm, parent's dream.

We meet for dinner. It is one where you cook your meat and vegetables in a "swish swish" pot, oil etc...Delicious! He seems bitter about a few things but I let it go. In the middle of the meal, he excuses himself to go to the bathroom and takes quite a long time. Upon return, he states that he is sorry his stomach is bothering him. I want to be easy and say that it is probably stress. He comes back with a definite NO.
There is nothing I want to know about someone's bathroom habits no matter how long I know them. He goes again, takes a long time. Upon return he gestures for the check, looks me in the eyes, and states, " I need to go home and use my own bathroom. Why don't you come with me and when I am finished we can hang out and get to know each
other more?"

So, this was my Fabulous Blind Date. Who does that? Who is that confident that they will invite me over to sit in their living room while they are stomach sick and think that I will kiss them goodnight? Who? Him.

I walked him to the corner, told him to feel better, and never heard from him again. Oh Joy!

Hilary G.
-Westchester, NY

1 comment:

  1. Oh i found blind dating sometimes very interesting and sometime it is really shocking, but even then i just love it.
